We all live in a unique time when Jerusalem has been freed, for the first time since the Roman
Conquest, and returned to the Jewish People, fixing one of the grave injustices in history.
We not only say, Remember Jerusalem, the Holy City, but we can now touch the walls and walk the streets
in freedom.
The Synagogue that is now built under the tunnels near the Kotel.
Children waiting outside the walls near the Dung Gate
Ready for Shabbat in a residence inside the walls of the old city
Secret abandoned mikvah outside the Zion Gate
Archaeological digging at the City of David
Residences in the Old City
Alleys of the Old City
Alleys of the Old City
This the Zilberman Yeshiva in the old city of Jerusalem. Here, a few meters from the Kotel, in the old City of Jerusalem, for the first time in generations, on any morning after Sachriet, one can sit under a tree and listen to the sound of Jewish children learning, growing, playing, when in no other previous generation since the time of the second Beis Hamekdosh, could this be heard so openly and joyfully.
View of the Old City from Breslov