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The time in Brooklyn is now:
Mon Mar 31 06:17:27 2025

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Site Map


  1. About Me
  2. Family
  3. Personal
  4. Jewish Topics
  5. Computing and Computing Education
  6. Free Software Politics and Advocacy
  7. Culture and Music
  8. Brooklyn
  9. Politics and Politicians
  10. Fishing
  11. Coin Collection: Mostly for historical purposes.
  12. Places
  13. Archives
Close up of some of my desk, in a test image using my new Canon G9X Camera.
CLICK ON IT - it is a fighteningly good image.
Doc working on Booster Vaccinations - get yourself vaccinated
This is the private Domain of Ruben Safir. It is a nearly 25 year old compendium of living experience, family experience, story telling, and shared culture. I have six children (Talyah Leah, Shoshan Rivka, Dovid Shimon, Itka Shira, Aviva Rochel, and Schmuel-Lieb Eliezar), and 3 grandchildren. The site contains many thousands of photographs, images, a resource section of archived news articles, many of which have otherwise disappeared from the internet, and many kids pictures sprinkled throughout. Due to my personal interestest you will find here substantial information here on Brooklyn, Free Software, Linux, Jewish information, history, the fine arts, Israel, events, and more. Take a look at the site map menu for categories that I've added to most of these pages

Over the last few years, I've been slowly reorganizing this site according to the site map. In the process, I've done a lot of recent writing and trying to get more of the images into organized compartments and onto webpages. I hope you find some of this material useful.

I've recently been struggling, as a web designer, in finding a compromise between making pages cellphone/tablet compatable or making use of the full desktop screen. The problem, of course, is that people have moved away from desktops to the small devices. Truthfully that sucks.

Just as the technology for video and photography is finally reaching the capacity to produce truly analogue quality, even museum quality, images, video and sound, people are being stripped of the full experience, and jettisoned to the their tablets. That not only limits their experience, but also prevents them from owning their own data. Ideally, your desktop systems are running your home and offices, and your phone is just a satellite to your home and office servers. We have a situation where the tail is wagging the dog. Partly out of frustration, I have decided (actually starting with the post of that above image of my desk), to stop robbing viewers of the full depth of media which I can produce, and to expand image sizes and videos. Fuck it. Nobody visits anyway and google refuses to list my considerable writings in a strange form of censorship. So I think I will start to display images and videos at their most effective size for full desktop display. Anyway, I almost always have Easter egg images all about the site, so don't be afraid to click on things.

Basic Contact Information:

May you have a kosher Peseach

Everything here, at least what has been produced by me, has been written with VIM, and the graphics have been created with the GIMP and other Free Software. EMBPERL, modperl, Perl and Python are used for development. I try to keep all graphics as PNG or JPG files.

A Poster by my Israeli grandchildren when I left Israel during the Hamas War to fly home to New York. It was tough to leave them.

The War in Gaza and accusations of Genocide

Mia Schem spoke in depth for the first time about the experience to both Channel 12 and 13 news, recounting the moments she was taken hostage, the suffering and mental torture she endured in captivity, and the experience of coming back home. “It’s important to me to reveal the real situation about the people who live in Gaza, who they really are, and what I went through there,” she told Channel 13 news. “I experienced hell. Everyone there are terrorists… there are no innocent civilians, not one,” she said. “[Innocent civilians] don’t exist.”
We have a new mailing list on Jewish issues at jewish@mrbrklyn.com.
jewish-request@mrbrklyn.com with subscribe in the subject


Now on to matters of interest

There are a lot of images buried in this webserver. I never thought of myself as a photographer, and I make no claim, but here we are. Starting with my Cannon AE-1 on film, until today, with my Cannon T3I rebel and my new G9X, I've managed to rack up thousands of images, and many of them are worth seeing, just for artistic purposes. I think I will start posting a few of them here, just to exhibit them and to give regular viewers something to enjoy from month to month.

  1. Photo Gallery October 2020
  2. Photo Gallery November 2020
  3. Photo Gallery December 2020
  4. Photo Gallery January 2021
  5. Photo Gallery April 2021
  6. Photo Gallery November 2021
  7. Photo Gallery May 2022
  8. Photo Gallery August 2022
  9. Photo Gallery November 2022
  10. Photo Gallery Febuary 2023
  11. Photo Gallery June 2023
  12. Photo Gallery November 2023
  13. Photo Gallery April 2024
  14. Photo Gallery March 2025
The British Museum 2016
The Getty Museum - 2014 - Los Angeles
Bordeaux France about 2001
Nathans, Coney Isaland 2007
Itka at Purim 2008
2014 San Francisco
Bear Sighting 2016 with a Striped Bass on the Rockfish

Porgies in Hand
Fishing in Brooklyn

COVID019, Science and Public Policy
A Wedding Reception Car in Tzfat, Israel just before the Simchas Torah War

Horse Racing at Sheepshead Bay

Nechama Sussman letter of recomendation from Refuah Health Center in South Fallsburg. This is a very special girl.