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The Holy City of Hebron, Israel - City of our Fathers and Mothers

The Children of Hebron

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Few cities have been as contentious in the face of repopulating the city with Jews as has been Hebron. Probably the most most Jewish of all cities in the world, the City of Hebron has been occupied by foreigners and the sources of Jewish persecution for generations. Generation after generation, for millennia, Jewish blood is spilled in hateful violence in this city. And yet generation after generation The Jews return home to the burial place of Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaacov, Sarah, Rivka, and Leah. The truth is, that the Jewish people will never be free until Hebron is freed. The Jewish people were saved because Caleb went to Hebron in the story of the Spies in the Torah. Today, every Jew needs to make a pilgrimage to Hebron and to support your fellow Jews, living in the land.

The Hebron Tour by the Jewish Community of Hebron

Tour of the Jewish community of Hebron with the modern city in the background

The Jewish Cemetery of Hebron

Jewish Cemetery of Hebron

Memorial to the spot where a random shooting of an infant took place in the City of Hebron

Location from where the shots were fired

The "Jewish threat" to world peace, living in Hebron

The Avraham Avinu Beis Medrash in Hebron

MachPelah - Burial Site of Avraham Avenu and the Patriarchs of the Jewish People

Schmuel-Leib Eliezar Safir in Machpelah visiting the memorials inside this 1st century Jewish building build by Herod the Great

Schmuel-Leib Eliezar Safir at the entrance to Machpelah

Roni Eran in Hebron

Simcha on the tour

Inside Machpelah

Inside Machpelah