fix your browser
It has ZERO to do with me
The message is from the anti-virus, not the browser. Fix your webpages.
Don't make me say something nasty to you. The problem is your BROWSER and that garbage software that you have that thinks its OK to
use google and facebook that tracks you and steals your identitiy and sells it to the highest bidder, and then objects to my 100% LEGITIAMITE website that has been runnings since 1998 and IS PERFECTLY SAFE and legit. I don't track you, sell your information, download software to you, or do anything to harm you.
Stop using that Virus/Worm that you call and protection. It is made by idiots that exploits idiots. And then apologies to me for pertetrating a lie about me. That is my computer, sitting on my desk and I put EVERYTHING ON IT and personally guarentee that it is not only running within the law, but it is run my by VERY VERY high moral standards.
I've been a Linux advocate and civil rights advocate for nearly 30 years, and Veteren to boot.
While your at it, if you didn't use software that sucks, like Windows, you wouldn't need virus protection that sucks even more. My linux boxes are inherently virus proof. Try it someday and join the good side of the force. There is a lot to learn before you accuse people of things that you are too lazy to understand.