Analysis of which countries visitors are in.
The regions that visitors to the site are in.
The towns that visitors to the site are in.
Visitors presented on a national map, with additional information.
Analysis showing the internet provider (Telekom, AT&T) that the visitor uses.
Show you what your most viewed pages are by visitors.
Visitors according to calendar days.
Visitors grouped according to working days. Monday, Tuesday etc..
Visitors grouped according to hours.
Summery: Which websites, search tools, social media platforms were used to find this website.
See where it is that visitors have come from, when they come across your website via links.
See which search engines bring your lots of visitors.
See what social media platforms bring you visitors.
The number of page views per visitor during the average day.
The number of views a page receives per visitor on average in the working day.
The number of views a page receives per visitor on average according to the hour.
Share of the new and returning visitors to the website.
Analysis of how long on average the visitor spends on the website.
Analysis of how many visitors leave the site after only viewing one page.
Displays which browser the visitor used to visit the website. Including the version of that browser.
Displays which operating system the user has installed on their terminal.
Analysis showing the terminal the visitor is using to access the website. (PC, tablet, smart phone).
Analysis of which way the screen is turned when using a tablet or phone. Portrait or landscape).
Displays whether the user has Java enabled.
Displays whether the user has JavaScript enabled.
Displays whether the user has allowed and enabled cookies.
A presentation using graphics of the visitors’ movements through the website in a tree diagram. Starting at the first website they visited.
Analysis of which page on the website is used as the starting point.
Analysis of which page on the website is used as a end point before the visitor leaves the site.
Analysis of which links to external sites, which are available on the website, are used to leave your website.
Displaying current visitors in real time and the content of the website they visited.
Statistic view / visitor, cards with users’ origins and live actions, time spent on the website, terminals analysis
We make the numbers comprehensible!