The Rhim Gazelle (Gazella leptoceros) is the only Gazelle that has evolved specifically for the dessert environs with specific adaptations to their hoofs which are enlarged for ease of travel on hot sand. The result is that they actually can't walk well on flats, and can not even out run a human being on normal terrain. They have a very pale coat with reflects sun light rather than absorb it like most gazelles. They do have very dark tails. They also have slender s curved horns and which lives in North Africa and Libya.
However, the Bahrain coin, which is identified as the Rhim Gazelle coin, actually described the species Gazella Subgutturosa Marica, an entirely different species, Subgutturosa, and specifically the subspecies Marica which roams Saudi Arabia, southern Syria, southwestern Iraq, Oman, the offshore Persian Gulf Islands. This is a vulnerable species which has a large cartilaginous cylinder in the throat which in males increases in size during breeding season and produces a deep powerful vocalization for courtship. The migrate in heards and are swift runners. Once present all over the near east, they are likely the horned gazelle referred to in a number of places in the Hebrew Scripture know as a "Reim".
This coin might be the best of the WWF series with an exquisitely carved reverse with the gazelles both bold and graceful. The obverse simple a graceful portrait of the Amir H.H. Shaikh Isa Bin Salman Al-Khalifa uncomplicated of any background lettering or complicating design, leaving the obverse with an outstanding composition, especially with the proof.
This is a 1986 5 dinars 0.925 Silver proof coin with a weight of a slender 19.44 grams and a diameter of 36.00 mm. It is minted in the British Royal mint with 25,00 coins minted.
Click to get a great closeup
Avoid Gijs Henzen, owner of Munthandel G. Henzen - Antisemetic Facists
Munthandel G. Henzen's (MA Shops) owner Gijs Henzen, is an AntiSemetic Fascist The company, Munthandel G Henzen is a prominent dealer of international and ancient coins on the internet, commonly known as MA Coins. It is owned by Gijs Henzen. You can not trust him, as I leaned previously in dealing with him with several coins that came with damage including a silver 1969 FOA Uruguay coin which arrived with green verdis on the coin.
But more importantly he is a passionate anti-Semite who supports Hamas and the virulent and genocidal Islamic organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood, and Hezbollah that wants Jews dead.
It is a moral imperative to remain clear of him and to do no business with this Nazi. If you are Jewish, double down on that. The life you save might well be your own.